Then there's the drinking game guaranteed to make you drunk enough to pee in the closet if you watch the State of the Union address and take a shot every time Dubya's drops verbal NU-cu-lar bombs. You'd think someone would have pulled him aside sometime in the past eight years and said, "hey, boss, here's some flash cards. See if you can get to NU-clee-er by day 1,200, maybe?"
Tech Republic recently ran a list of 10 mispronounciations that make you sound stupid. Good reading for anyone who was suppose to buy some jewelry this February.
My ultimate pet peeve to add to the list is Pulitzer. The name of the top prize in journalism is not "PEWL-itzer," despite how many times you hear this mangled in movies about journalism. Y
One of my J-school teachers gave a good way to remember it. Joseph Pulitzer was always being picked on for his big nose. "Pull it, sir," he'd say.
Don't believe me? Primary source on your face!
1 comment:
I agree with all ten save "often." It's a corruption of "oft" which does not have a silent 't'. Pronouncing it "offen" is wrong.
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