I swear to blog, if this place turns into the new Williamsburg the minute I move away, I will come back and go all sickhouse on every bed-headed person I see. Then I'll take up golf and yell at these bastards to turn that infernal racket down because I can't hear the sound of my yacht drying. Next come the cranky letters to the editor. Oh you think you've seen cranky letters to the editor before, but just you wait. The words "shocked and appalled" will be armed with an unprecedented sense of outrage that will send fear rippling through every ironic T-shirt in a 50-mile radius.
In related news, we're running Four Weeks of Ted Leo in The Guide to lead up to the show. Why? Because we don't want to embarrass Hilton Head by having Ted and the boys play to a crowd of six local newspaper reporters.
Reason No. 1: This may be the first punk show in the history of Hilton Head.
I speak on behalf of Silicone Sisters when I say, "you have besmirched our honor."
I'm f%^#ing with you. This does constitute the first legit punk act to grace our barrier island.
I am in shock. Maybe you'll start getting the bands that perform at Cat's Cradle on their way down to Florida. That would rock.
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