Tuesday, December 30, 2008


[EDIT: links fixed to take you to the actual site, not intra-blogger nonsense. Sorry about that]


By "we" I mean "me," and by "moving," I mean, switching to Wordpress. Blogger has done me well, but I can't shake the feeling that hanging on here is like keeping an AOL account in the era of Gmail. Yes, I know Google owns Blogger too, but just embrace the metaphor, ok?

So join me, won't you, all three loyal readers, into a journey of newness and wonder and awe and aweness and wondernew and blogenfreude at the new Inverted Soapbox, now at www.invertedsoapbox.com.

new features include:
* A wholly owned and licensed domain name! Less typing of letters means more letters you can put back into the American economy
* Shiny new layout that looks like every other Wordpress blog - no more "grandma's upholstery" background theme!
* A "top posts" feature - see for yourself what topics get the most random google search traffic from Jakarta!
* More links! Bigger blogroll! (smaller porkroll, however, sorry)
* Pingbacks - let the blogcest begin!
* Uh, probably some other features that, you know, I'll add later or something!
* Pan-asian cuisine!
* More reporting from the frontlines of vagabondage in New York City!
* Recommended hummus-related products!
* Better organization!

So check it out, if you care to....

www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com www.invertedsoapbox.com


CDarcy said...

Dude, on both your sites you gotta preface all of your links with "http://" or else the blogging software renders it as http://www.blogger.com/www.invertedsoapbox.com

Tim A. Donnelly said...

I'll be damned. Fixed, and thanks for the tip.